I have a strange problem in one of my documents. When I uncomment the line with \setupalign[hz,hanging] everything works fine. When I use it, I get this error because of a verbatim typing segment: \obeyedline ->\par \doverbatimendofline ->\dostoptagged \obeyedline \par \ifconditional \verbat... l.10 \dodisplayverbatimstop \ctxcommand ...\directlua \zerocount {commands.#1} \dodotypeblockverbatim ..., nature = "display", }} \dostoptagged \endofverbat... l.71 \stoptyping ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 Here is the troublemaker: \starttyping test; äüöAR \test \Context \stoptyping Interestingly I was not able to produce a real minimal example, because when I remove everything except these lines, its working fine again. So there has to be at least some lines of text to break stuff. Oh yeah, and it seems that using simplefonts and Minion also plays a role. Can somebody have a look at this, please? The attached file like it is does not compile here.