-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. August 2022 14:31 An: Maier, Denis Christian (UB) ; mailing list for ConTeXt users Betreff: Re: AW: [NTG-context] Parallel texts: verse with blanks between stanzas via tabulate On 8/30/2022 1:40 PM, denis.maier@unibe.ch wrote:
Thanks for the updated version. So, that means the basic restriction is that blanks will need to be inserted between rows, right? We cannot have to two completely independent formatted poems, right? (For reference, see the attached PNG. This was done with paragraphs, and works as longs as this stays on a single page. One is one long stanza, the other one consists of multiple smaller stanzas.) You need to be more prececise in defining what you want .. this example is not a parallel obe right? Just two columns.
Sorry for not being precise enough. I'm not sure I understand. This example shows two poems side by side. Both are totally different in structure. One has a heading, and consists of multiple paragraphs. The other is just one long stanza. Until now, I've used tabulate for these kind of sidebyside texts. Usually there are not poems, just regular paragraphs, but with poems I've realized that blanks seem not be supported in individual table cells. Denis \startbuffer[lines1] \startlines[inbetween={\blank}] this is a poem with one longer stanza \stoplines \stopbuffer \startbuffer[lines2] \startlines[inbetween={\blank}] this is a poem with some stanzas here is another one and another one \stoplines \stopbuffer \starttext Just the buffers. One: \getbuffer[lines1] Two: \getbuffer[lines2] Via paragraphs \defineparagraphs[paraverse][n=2 ] \setupparagraphs[paraverse][1][ width=.45\textwidth, distance=2em, align={verytolerant,stretch}] \startparaverse \getbuffer[lines1] \nextparaverse \getbuffer[lines2] \stopparaverse Via tabulate \starttabulate[|p|p|] \NC \getbuffer[lines1] \NC \getbuffer[lines2] \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stoptext