On Friday, May 27, 2011 17:09 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 27.05.2011 um 17:04 schrieb Andreas Schneider:
if I use \in, \about, \at or anything else that generates a cross-reference, and that reference happens to be invalid (typo or whatever), it just prints out "nothing". Is there a way to have context throw an error if a reference is invalid? (That probably would only make sense in the second pass of context, since the first pass has to collect the references first.)
Unknown references are shown as “??” in your text.
True, I was mostly thinking about "\about", which just prints two quotation marks and nothing in between. But my "problem" (if I can even call it that, since grep is already a solution, just maybe not the best one :D) is, that I could easily miss such small changes. I'm working on technical documentation that even has parts that are automatically generated (from XML files). I just update whatever is necessary (the document itself, or just the input files), commit them to SVN and our CI server grabs them, and runs ConTeXt. If ConTeXt returns with a return code > 0, the build is marked as "failed" and all necessary admins (me and my colleague) are informed via eMail and/or RSS feed. If the build succeeds, the generated PDF is automatically distributed to the users. I consider wrong references an error, so I would like the build to fail (imho referencing something that doesn't exist is like using a macro that doesn't exist, which fails too). But as I said: if context can't treat that as error, I'm fine with it too and will continue to grep the logfile. It's just curiosity if there may already be a setting/parameter/whatever to get context to be more "restrictive". -- Best Regards, Andreas