2007/11/7, Hans Hagen
Duncan Hothersall wrote:
Hans said:
\setupfontenvironment [default] [e=4]
Ah, thanks. Using \setupbodyfontenvironment as the second command did the trick.
I guess there is no easy way of directly calling a specific font at a specific size? No worry, this sort of solution will allow me to do what I need for now. Thanks Hans.
chinese in mkii is kind of special, i.e. all kind of mappings to ranges of fonts; in mkiv chines is easier (i still have to finish some spacing issues)
How about a little appetizer from mkiv. \definefontfeature[chinese][analyze=yes,language=dflt,mode=node,script=hani] \starttypescript[sans][arial] \definefontsynonym[Sans][Arial][features=chinese] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[sans][arial] \definefontsynonym[Arial][file:ARIALUNI][features=default] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[arial][ss][sans][arial][default] \setupbodyfont[arial,ss] % alternative to the typescript solution %\definefont[Normal][ARIALUNI*chinese at 12pt][line=16pt] \starttext write your chinese text here \stoptext There will be no longer any big difference in defining fonts for latin or any other language. A few things are to achive than with the current code from the chinese module like opening and closing braces in vertical mode. Wolfgang