Steffen Wolfrum schrieb:
sorry for my foggy post last night (02:50h ...)
Hopefully this example makes it clearer: --
\starttext \showframe
\definehead[EbeneFuenf] [subsubsubsection] \setupsection[section-6][conversion=characters,previousnumber=yes] \def\FuenfCommand#1{#1.}
\def\CurrentEbeneFuenfNumber#1#2% {\hbox to \hsize\bgroup% \tbox{\midaligned\framed[offset=-0.5pt,frame=on,align=middle,width=0.85\textwidth]{{\FuenfCommand{\convertnumber{characters}{\countervalue{@@sesection-6}}}}{\kern0.75em}#2}}%
\setuphead[EbeneFuenf][command=\CurrentEbeneFuenfNumber]% using this command moves the line 2mm down?!
% insert here \showboxes % see differences between \tbox and \hbox
-- I wanted to define a command with a fixed width in order to determine a maximum width for a section. But using this command (i.e. the "framed") also moves the section down about 2mm!
How can this be avoided?
have you tried my solution? same answer :) the \tbox does exactly what it should do (see p.85, context manual). use a \hbox instead and the text is (nearly, exactly?) on the same vertical position as plain text. but this highly depends on the offset of \framed. btw: you need the outer \hbox for the right total width and the inner \framed for the frame and alignment. why the \tbox or any additional box? best wishes, peter