Hi! I (presumably) found a bug in the recent math changes of the latest upload. If a cell of the startalign environment is empty, something internally to the macro seems to be breaking. Minimal example: \starttext \startformula \startalign \NC \NC a \NR \NC b \NC c \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext Error:
tex error > tex error on line 5 in file ./test.tex: Missing number, treated as zero <to be read again> \23C>1 <template> \math_next_in_eqalign \math_left_of_eqalign \mathbeginclass \csname \??mathendclass \the \numexpr \c_math_eqalign_column -\plusone \relax \endcsname \startforceddisplaymath \everycr \emptytoks <to be read again> a
Filling the empty cell with e.g. "d" makes it work. Using "\strut" or "\quad" or similar also leads to the same error. Best regards, Stefan Haller