On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Hans Hagen
I'm dealing with the bugs/anomalies/wishes that showed up during the ctx conference. The following has been done so far:
(1) With respect to registers, Jano had a wish to deal with mixed language indexes. As a result the current sorting code has been adapted. In the process also different control over sorting has been streamlined and this is controlled by the method variable. Also, the language related sorting definitions have changed.
% tricky-002.tex:
\subject{before : Oo Öo oo öo} \placeregister[index][language=en,method=before] \par \subject{after : oo öo Oo Öo} \placeregister[index][language=en,method=after] \par \subject{first : Oo oo Öo öo} \placeregister[index][language=en,method=last] \par \subject{last : oo Oo öo Öo} \placeregister[index][language=en,method=first] \par
\dorecurse {3} { \page \recurselevel: \index{boo} \index{Boo} \index{BOo} \index{bOo} \index{bõö} \index{bõo} \index{boö} \index{oo} \index{öo} \index{Oo} \index{Öo} done }
We can set up a default method for each language but that has not yet been done.
(2) Mari uses the prefix mechanism for references and that had not yet been implemented. The new beta does some but it needs testing. Also, I'd like to change a bit to the logic (esp related to more structured coding i.e. \startchapter .. \stopchapter and fallbacks but that will happen later). For the moment 'get it running as per mkii' is good enough. As cross referencing info is stored quite differently this is somewhat tricky.
Hans Shame on me: during conference I have discovered a bug in lpdf-swf.lua
function backends.pdf.nodeinjections.insertswf(spec) local annot, preview, ref = insertswf { foundname = spec.foundname, width = spec.width, height = spec.height, -- factor = spec.factor, -- display = spec.display, -- controls = spec.controls, -- label = spec.label, } -- texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\pdfannot width %ssp height %ssp {%s}",spec.width,spec.height,annot())) -- brrrr node.write(pdfannotation(spec.width,spec.height,0,annotation())) end local annot shoud be local annotation I'm sure that I haven't say it to Hans. -- luigi