Am 22.10.2013 um 16:38 schrieb Mojca Miklavec
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 13.10.2013 um 06:09 schrieb Ciro A. Soto:
sorry, I just saw an old chain of messages about this question... I fixed it with the translation module. \usemodule[translate] \translateinput[``][“] \enableinputtranslation
Better use real quotation marks “ and ” or \quotation{…}.
Or \quotedblleft, \quotedblright, \quotedblbase,
. For the flowing text these are a bit too long to use and remember for my taste though. LaTeX sometimes uses \grqq & \glqq which are a whole lot shorter, but also not the easiest one to remember (or at least I don't understand the pattern).
There could be something like \quotationleft/\quotationright & \quoteleft/\quoteright for a single language-dependent single & double quotation marks. And maybe another language-independent version which would always generate the desired character (if looking for hard-to-remember shortcuts, l/u - lower/upper; g/b/p - 9-like/6-like/reversed 9-like shape, q/qq - single/double quotation mark; so 201C “ - \qqub [or \ubqq], 201D ” - \qqug; 201E „ - \qqlg; 201F ‟ - \qqup). Personally I never use them unpaired other than in obscure situations (like listing all characters), so I like \quotation and \quote a lot more than the TeX approach which taught almost everyone here to use the wrong quotation marks. And consequently I also don't miss any of these commands.
\starttext \symbol[leftquotation]Left \symbol[leftquote]middle\symbol[rightquote] right\symbol[rightquotation] \language[de] \symbol[leftquotation]Left \symbol[leftquote]middle\symbol[rightquote] right\symbol[rightquotation] \setuplanguage [de] [leftquote=›, rightquote=‹, leftquotation=», rightquotation=«] \symbol[leftquotation]Left \symbol[leftquote]middle\symbol[rightquote] right\symbol[rightquotation] \stoptext Wolfgang