I have updated my context after a very long time. The first test run does not work because an initally dde attempt to acroread.
I got the following errormessage:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error! Program: C:\Programme\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I have Acrobat Reader Version 9.4.6. This is working ok with pdf files and this has worked ok with context prior to the update.
I have the following questions: The executable pdfdde, resp. their incarnations pdfopen and pdfclose know an option --rx. Is this necessary to use acrobat reader 10? pdfdde --help outputs: Beware: only documents opened by `pdfopen' can be closed by `pdfclose'. But if I open my compiled file manually (not by pdfopen), --autopdf works ok. It closes the reader and opens him with the new compiled file and so on. So, an initally open with pdfopen does not work! How is pdfopen/close working? Can someone explain? pdfdde seems to be based on ------------------- DDEOpen.c This file is furnished to you by Adobe Systems Incorporated under the terms of the Acrobat (r) Plug-ins Software Development Kit License Agreement. Copyright (C) 1995-1999, Adobe Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. ------------------- Is there any difference (not related to Reader 10)? I do not understand at all what has happend. 10 Minutes before my context-update, all was working ok. There must be a little difference. Wolfgang