In my presentation sheets I want to put some movies (quicktime or mpeg4 and the like). I did do what is in the manual but somehow it stopped working for me in Adobe Reader (7.0.5 Mac)(not sure why, might be newer final cut pro, might be something else). So I thought: perhaps somewhat more control exercised over the contents of the pdf objects might help. The manual has not much more on movie inclusion therefore I searched through the source. In cont-new.tex I found things like % \useexternalrendering[example-5][video/quicktime] [p1000726.mov] and maybe that is what I was looking for. I adapted the movie name and tried to test with the example given in cont-new.tex (starting at line 1581) and --lo and behold-- now got a playing movie. But, with: \definerenderingwindow [movie] [background=color,backgroundcolor=gray, openpageaction=StartCurrentRendering, closepageaction=NextPage]% StopCurrentRendering] I now get the opening frame of the window on all pages of the sheets instead of only on the one containing the movie. How can I change that to an appearance on that specific page only? In the menu only the Startbutton worked. The buttons were set with: \def\renderingmenu[#1]% {\hbox {\setupbuttons[width=2.5em]% \button{\symbol[StartMovie]} [StartMovie{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[StopMovie]} [StopMovie{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[PauseMovie]} [PauseMovie{#1}]\enspace \button{\symbol[ResumeMovie]}[ResumeMovie{#1}]}} I changed the part "Rendering" from the example to "Movie" as there are keys PauseMovie etc. in mult-con.tex. As said, only StartMovie reacted as expected. Is there some -- how rudimentary it may be -- documentation about this? Where do I look for it? yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer