i uploaded a beta that has the patterns and language definitions .. but up to you to check it and provide better settings if needed
Thanks, Hans! Now mkiv correctly loads the patterns and hyphenation works (though even with \language[ml], log says "language 'en' is active"). Is there a way to also enable mkii/texexec to load the patterns? I did copy-paste the section from lang-def.mkiv to lang-ind.mkii and also added an entry in lang-def.lua but the log does not show pattern for ml loaded, in addition to mentioning "language ml is undefined".
Okay, is the best way to install beta to use the "Standalone ConTeXt" mechanism? Is it advisable to uninstall ConTeXt from TeXLive if so? (wiki says Context Standalone for Linux 32 bit is complied with glibc-2.3.6 while I have glibc-2.17).
just install it in a different place and it will run independently from texlive
Installed on a separate location and works fine.