We all know that exists \externalfigure[...][...]
Now, suppose I'm able to make a buffer with raw data,
something like
^H^B^@^@^@^BPXê^@^@^@^AsRGB^@®Î^\é^@^@^@ pHYs^@^@^K^S^@^@^K^S^A^@<9a><9c>^X^@^@^@^GtIME^G×^K^T^V^W ^O°<94>^^^@^@^@^YtEXtComment^@Created with GIMPW<81>^N^W^@^@^@^MIDAT^XÓc`^X^E¤^C^@^A6^@^A^ZÕ<8d>^W^@^@^@^@IEND®B`<82>}
(it's a black png 10x10 pixel, in attach.)
How can I use it with, let's say
\internalfigure[\Raw][...] ?
Of course, write it down to a temp file and then use \externalfigure[temp][..],
but I would like to avoid this way .