On 8/27/07, Jean Magnan de Bornier
Le 27 août à 17:29:24 "George N. White III"
écrit notamment: | Did you do the step of finding and removing all the old .fmt files?
| On my system, fmtuil-sys puts the cont-en.fmt formats in | texmf-var/web2c/pdftex/ and texmf-var/web2c/xetex/, | but the context tools put them under texmf-config, so it | is all easy to end up with multiple versions of the .fmt files.
OK, things are back to normal now after I removed cont-en.fmt and cont-nl.fmt from my home ~/.texlive2007/texmf-var/web2c/pdftex and /xetex, I still don't see where this problem came from as it is not the first time I did an update.
The format files in ~/.texlive2007 are generated by fmtutil --all. I try to remember to use fmtutil-sys --all so they go in texmf-var.
The files were not recreated by texexec --make --all.
I doubt texexec knows about ~/.texlive2007 -- that was done so individual users
on multi-user systems could make "personal" formats without the need for the
intervention of an adminstrator. For safety you might want to
disable context in
the fmtutil configuration. I tend to do a fair bit of pdftex testing
so it is convenient to get the cont-en format when I build the others.
George N. White III