Hi, I'm starting a presentation with ConTeXt. I'd like to visually differentiate each section, so I've come up with two complementary approaches to do that: * Use a different color palette for each section, and * Mark the progress bar to indicate the start of each section. I've done an small example (at the end) but: * Last Subject of a Topic take color from next Topic. (e.g. "Some greenB") * I don't like interactionBar styles provided. I'd like something like: |-----|-|-----|--|------ (horizontal line and a vertical line at the begin of each section and a vertical line of different color for current position) other option I like: ######%%@@@@@@HHH&&&&&&& (each letter represents a color. It's a bar with colors marking size of text. So it's a series of color rectangles with colors for each section and a vertical line for current position) The main problems are: * How can I pass the first page of each section to MetaPost? * How can I protect background color of SomeGreenB to be green and not blue? Thanks. -------8< ----- Start example \usemodule[present-original] \usemodule[present-common] \definecolor [PageColor] [black] \definecolor [BackgroundColor] [s=.85] \definecolor [OrnamentColor] [r=.75] \definecolor [PositionColor] [s=.55] \defineoverlay [PageShape][\useMPgraphic{PageShape}] \startuseMPgraphic{PageShape} StartPage ; path p ; pair pa, pb ; numeric len ; color contrastcolor ; numeric i; numeric sections[]; % simulated load of sections sections[0] := 1; sections[1] := 4; sections[2] := 6; pickup pencircle scaled 5pt ; p := (100pt,100pt)--(500pt,100pt); draw p withcolor \MPcolor{OrnamentColor} ; contrastcolor = \MPcolor{PositionColor} ; if (RealPageNumber > 0) and (NOfPages > 0): len := 1/NOfPages ; i := 0; forever : exitunless known sections[i]; pa := point(0+len*sections[i]) of p ; draw (pa+(0,10pt))--(pa+(0,-10pt)) withcolor \MPcolor{OrnamentColor} ; i := i + 1; endfor ; pa := point (0+len*RealPageNumber) of p ; %draw (pa+(0,10pt))--(pa+(0,-10pt)) withcolor contrastcolor ; draw pa withpen pencircle scaled 10pt withcolor contrastcolor ; fi ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupbackgrounds [text] [background={PageShape}] \starttext \setupdocument[title={Title},location={Place}] \startdocument \definecolor[BackgroundColor][r=0,g=.7,b=0] \startTopic[title={Topic Green}] Some text A \startSubject[title={Some green 1}] more text B \stopSubject \startSubject[title={Some green 2}] more text B \stopSubject \stopTopic \definecolor[BackgroundColor][r=0,g=0,b=0.7] \startTopic[title={Topic Blue}] Some text C \startSubject[title={Some blue}] more text D \stopSubject \stopTopic \definecolor[BackgroundColor][r=.7,g=0,b=0] \startTopic[title={Topic Red}] Some text E \startSubject[title={Some Red}] more text F \stopSubject \stopTopic \stopdocument \stoptext