19 Nov
19 Nov
5:42 p.m.
On 11/18/2012 07:53 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
1. Run mtxrun --generate as normal user followed by context --make; otherwise:
2. Something is messed up in $HOME/texmf or $HOME/.texlive2012. Rename these directories to something different and try again.
GOT IT WORKING!. I had TexLive installed in /usr/local and apparently installation of something else changed a permission somewhere. Since this is my laptop and nobody but me uses it, I removed TexLive from /usr/local and reinstalled in $HOME/local with the symlinks going to $HOME/bin which is in my $PATH. Everything works just fine now. Thanks to everyone for the advice and counsel. I really appreciate it. -- Bill Meahan Westland, Michigan USA