19 Oct
19 Oct
3:31 a.m.
Using 2022.09.11 20:44, there appears to be a problem with rendering some circular forms, such as: % SOT \startbuffer[circle] <svg> <path d="m39.423 19.847c0 10.815-8.7666 19.576-19.58 19.576-10.812 0-19.579-8.7611-19.579-19.576 0-10.815 8.7669-19.583 19.579-19.583 10.813 0 19.58 8.7676 19.58 19.583z" /> </svg> \stopbuffer \starttext \placefigure{}{\includesvgbuffer[circle][conversion=mp]} \stoptext % EOT In Inkscape, this renders as a full circle without any deformation.