I did encounter 'leaking' color outside the XML verbatim typing.
The effect can be turned off and on by removing/placing the ':' in 'file:' in the second xml-line.
Is this a bug? It certainly is annoying that the default color is inadvertently changed.

A (somewhat) minimal example follows:

\definecolor [mistyrose] [r=1,g=.894118,b=.882353]

% Setup coloring for framed text (unbreakable) blocks.

% Setup coloring for verbatim code fragments.
\definecolor [codecolor] [red]
\definecolor [colorprettyone]   [codecolor]
\definecolor [colorprettytwo]   [codecolor]
\definecolor [colorprettythree] [codecolor]
\definecolor [colorprettyfour]  [codecolor]
\setuptyping [color=codecolor,palet=colorpretty]
% XML typesetting inside framebox with background.


Testing xml typing\crlf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This color is black as it should be.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This color should be black not \quote{codecolor}!!!

Hans van der Meer