Am 14.08.2009 um 09:12 schrieb rrvhassel:
Hello Everybody,
Hans reacted on the question of how to move a framed text relative to another framed text by: "search for 'layers' on the wiki; they provide precise positioning" Looking to the wiki site, I read at the first sentence: "Layers are ConTeXt's mechanism for absolute positioning of elements"
You can place layers also before/behind inline frames. Wikify this: \definelayer[framedtitle] \startsetups framedtitle \setlayerframed [framedtitle] [x=1cm,y=-.75\lineheight] [background=color,backgroundcolor=white,offset=.5ex] {\currentdescriptiontitle} \stopsetups \defineframedtext [myframe] [background={foreground,framedtitle}, % place descriptiontitle before myframe setups=framedtitle] \definedescription [description] [before=\startmyframe, after=\stopmyframe, width=0pt, location=none, % use command parameter command=\gobbleoneargument] % remove description text \starttext \startdescription{Knuth} \input knuth \stopdescription \startdescription{Zapf} \input zapf \stopdescription \stoptext Wolfgang