Hi! Yesterday I played a bit with emacs' muse mode which has option to 'publish' to ConTeXt, but its output was wailing when texeexec-ing due to use of \textunderscore (option in muse). Today I discussed the issue on muse mailing list, got help and the following remark: '...Context gurus don't seem to imagine you can use "_" elsewhere than in math mode btw'. I looked at ConTeXt docs (excursion and manual), as well as wiki on contextgarden, but was not able to find more about what is the status of underscore '_' char in ConTeXt and is the above remark true? My usage of '_' in muse document was for preparing tables of some library functions and, as it is often the case in software, there is usually some prefix for all library functions as eg. gtk_xxxxx for GTK+ toolkit. Sincerely, Gour