Hi, I have a context mem2.tex document with: % Modules \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] % Bibliography options \setupbibtex[database=mem2] \setuppublications [numbering=yes, sort=author, criterium=all] \setuppublications [alternative=ams] \setupheadtext[ca][pubs=Referències] \setuppublicationlist[authoretallimit=3] \setuppublicationlist[authoretaltext={\it\ et al.}] \setuppublicationlist[authoretaldisplay=1] and mem2.bib with: @Book{craft, author = "Wayne C. Booth and Gregory G. Colomb and Joseph M. Williams", title = "The Craft of Research", publisher = "The University of Chicago Press", year = 2008, address = "Chicago", edition = "Third" } @unpublished{nagorko, author = "Nagórko, Andrzej", title = "{ I}ntroduction to Geometric Group Theory. {A}n introductory talk about basic notions of Geometric Group Theory, with emphasis on asymptotic invariants of groups", year = 2007, note = "\from[nagorko-pdf] (accedida el febrer de 2009). Pareix que forma part del seminari Probability and Ergodic Theory" } @Book{llibre-estil, editor = "{Govern de les Illes Balears}", title = "Llibre d'estil", publisher = "amadip.esment", year = 2006, pages = 614, note = "\from[govern-me] (accedida el febrer de 2009)" } @article{bridson, author = "Martin R. Bridson", title = "On the geometry of normal forms in discrete groups", journal = "Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society", year = "1993", volume = "67", pages = "595-616" } @manual{context-eni, title = "Con\TeX t, the manual", author = "Hans Hagen", year = "2001", month = "nov", organization = "Pragma-{ADE}", address = "Ridderstraat 27, 8061GH Hasselt. Països Baixos", note = "\from[context-manual-pdf], \from[contextgarden]" } @article{scm, title = "Com cal escriure en matemàtiques", author = "Paul R. Halmos", journal = "Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques", volume = "21", number = "1", year = "2006", pages = "53-79" } @book{epstein, author = "Epstein, David B. A. and J. W. Cannon and D. F. Holt and S. V. F. Levy and M. S. Paterson and W. P. Thurston", title = "Word processing in groups", publishers="Jones and Barlett Publishers", year= "1992" } @unpublished{article, author = "Xavier Bordoy", title = "{ U}na generalització de l'amplada d'una secció", year = 2009, note = "Com a part de l'assignatura Tècniques de recerca i comunicació científica" } When I run texec, it gives more lot of errors: warning: cite argument [reference] unknown on 139 I don't know why I do wrong. (I use \cite[nagorko] for example) Thanks, Xan.