Good evening. I apologize that I bother you now so much with my own problems but I have to rewrite some of my macros right now for some reason. I found there is a great `database' module. I tried it with ConTeXt version 2007.01.12 15:56, perl TeXExec 5.4.3, and pdfetex 1.40.1 under SuSE Linux 10.1. I use input encoding regime utf8, and fonts in ec-lm encoding. I set it this way: \defineseparatedlist[CSV] [separator=tab,%{,}, %quotechar={"}, before=\bTABLE, after=\eTABLE, first=\bTR, last=\eTR, left=\bTD, right=\eTD] And call it with \processseparatedfile[CSV][file.csv]. It works well with words without accents. If there is an accented letter in the file.csv, it failes with this error message: ! Argument of \utftwouniglph has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \dodoprocessseplist #1#2 ->\edef \!!stringa {#1} \ifx \edef@relax \!!stringa ... <argument> PŘÍJMY leden únor březen duben květen červen červenec srpe... \doprocessseplist ...elax ->\dodoprocessseplist #1 \relax \relax \relax \end \doprocessseparatedfileline ...plist \line \relax \else \expanded {\processq... ... Can you help me to make it work? Many thanks. Yours Michal Kvasnicka