On 29/04/07, Aditya Mahajan
Now after loading vim, add \definevimtyping [typePHP] [syntax=php, before={\bgroup \let\runvimsyntax\gobbleoneargument}, after={\egroup}]
and then use
I can't get it to work. Firstly, when I use \definevimtyping and then \typePHP the system cannot find the definition for \typePHP. If I use \definetypevimfile instead of \definevimtyping it works. Unfortuantely this doesn't actually save time as it loads ViM for whatever is required. Now for some general feedback. At the moment, if a line wraps, the line number doesn't feature in the margin. I think the placement should be different, however. It currently looks something like: 11 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/html.php'); // HTML output 12 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/auth.php'); // Authorise user require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/action.php'); // List of possi- 13 ble actions 14 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/calendar.php'); As you can see line 13 has wrapped but I would prefer it if the line number was on the line above. So like this: 11 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/html.php'); // HTML output 12 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/auth.php'); // Authorise user 13 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/action.php'); // List of possi- ble actions 14 require_once(BASE_DIR.'inc/calendar.php'); Also not all my lines are wrapping properly. For instance, a line like: if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) define('BASE_DIR',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/'); Other than that, I'm loving the output. -- Chris