Taco Hoekwater
Hi all,
Following the discussion with Gerben over the past week, I have initialized a project for the creation of a new Context Reference Manual.
The goal is to create a complete manual documenting all of context's user-level commands with the focus on creating a reference manual, but not so much on providing a learner's manual.
Hi, I just wanted to say that I think this is a great idea. I do not think the situation is as bad as Gerben states. But I too have been frustrated at the anachronisms and ommissions from the reference manual. One thing extra I would ask for is that parameters be actually *explained*, as well as simply listed, for each command. Perhaps a hyperlink to a generic explanation page if they are "too trivial".
Anybody who is willing and able to help out in any way is very much invited to join in. The manual is to be distributed under the GNU Free Document License so that it can borrow text from the wiki, and also so that it can be included in free TeX distributions (like TeX Live).
I hope this means it can be part of Debian - I gather this implies not having any "invariant sections": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Free_Documentation_License#Invariant_sectio... [...]
so if you want to help out in any way, please subscribe to the mailing list via the link above (I don't want to overburden ntg-context with messages on this subject).
-- John Devereux