OK, a bit early! This one
swfURLPath={\\PN01_media/}, supportURLPath={\\PN01_support/},
works with Acrobat, but not with the Preview PDF viewer on the Mac
Anyone know why, or can suggest a more robust mechanism?
On 15 February 2012 10:18, Ian Lawrence
At the moment I have two bits of code that conspire to build a link to a file that is on a website.
So, variables set on a per-document basis, giving the folder:
swfURLPath={http://some location or other/PN01_media/}, supportURLPath={http://some location or other/PN01_support/},
These combine with a macro, ending with:
and a piece in the actual file that gives the filename to be retrieved
What I'd like to do is be able to alter swfURLPath to designate a local folder for retrieving the swf and launching it in a browser
Same thing for the supportURLPath, which always opens PDFs in a browser.
I tried stuff like:
swfURLPath={\\PN01_media/}, supportURLPath={\\PN01_support/},
And have trawled the context wiki and documentation, but cannot find anything authoritative on linking to local files using relative references, as you might in html.
I'm keen not to try and use the same hooks so that I can switch back and forth between remote and local access to the supporting files. There is a good reason for this - honest.
Thanks in anticipation.