On 11/24/05, Taco Hoekwater
New features compared to the 2005.11.16 version:
* As of this version, ConTeXt has a new zip archive: cont-fnt.zip.
This zip will contain font support files. Currently included are texfont-generated metric and map files for these font families (with their typescript names in braces):
- Adobe Utopia (utopia) - Bitstream Charter (charter) - Antykwa Poltawskiego (antykwa-poltawskiego) - URW Bookman (bookman) - URW Nimbus Mono (courier) - URW Nimbus Sans (helvetica) - URW Century Schoolbook (schoolbook) - URW Palladio (palatino) - URW Nimbus Roman No9 (times) - URW Chancery (chancery)
1. There are .tex file in root of zip file ? why not in tex/context/.... ? 2. There are .bak files ? 591 11-24-05 15:27 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-adobe-utopia.bak <--- ? 670 11-24-05 15:27 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-adobe-utopia.map 611 11-24-05 15:28 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-bitstrea-charter.bak <--- ? 693 11-24-05 15:29 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-bitstrea-charter.map 483 11-24-05 15:24 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-public-antp.map 854 11-24-05 15:29 fonts/map/pdftex/context/ec-urw-bookman.bak <--- ? ... Regards, -- http://vnoss.org Vietnamese Open Source Software Community