On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
Dear gang,
Has the behavior of \definestyle changed? In my typescript I have e.g.
\definestyle [semibold] [\sb] []
You are, perhaps, thinking of \definealternativestyle which has the syntax that you are using above.
It worked for years but now I get
============= ! Undefined control sequence.
system > tex > error on line 1 in file C:/ConTeXt/tex/texmf-project/tex/generic/private/type-mpro.mkiv: Undefined control sequence ...
1 >> \definestyle [semibold] [\sb] [] 2 \definestyle [semibolditalic,italicsemibold] [\st] [] 3 4 \definestyle [smallcapssemibold, semiboldsmallcaps] [\SB] [] 5 \definestyle [smallcapsbold, boldsmallcaps] [\BF] [] 6 \definestyle [smallcapsitalic, italicsmallcaps] [\IT] [] 7 \definestyle [smallcapssemibolditalic,semibolditalicsmallcaps][\ST] [] 8 \definestyle [smallcapsbolditalic, bolditalicsmallcaps] [\BI] [] 9 10 \definestyle [light] [\LI] [] 11 \definestyle [lightitalic,italiclight] [\LT] []
<argument> \sb
\define_style ...yle \edef \currentstyleparent {#2 }\expandafter \edef \csnam... l.1 ... [\sb] []
? I have to update my cv for a deadline today, so I need to get this typescript working asap. Just in case I've attached the whole typescript (MinionPro Opticals, so it's a nice example of a sophisticated typescript). But maybe/hopefully it's just a small update in syntax that I'm missing.
The syntax of \definestyle is: \definestyle[important][style=bold, color=red] which defines a command \important{...} that typesets the result in bold and there. The result of \definestyle is lost when the document is exported to XML. For that case, you should use \definehighlight[...] which has the same syntax. Aditya