<--- On Jan 26, Hans Hagen wrote --->
Also, in another post, I had asked if it is possible to have cases that are numbered, that is, can I get
{ b , if whatever (1a) a ={ { c, otherwise (1b)
This is not important, but will be nice to have.
something like this?
[ code snipped ]
\placeformula \startformula \startcases \NC 2 \NC $ y > 0 $ \NR \NC 7 \NC $ x = 7 $ \NR[+] \NC 4 \NC otherwise \NR \stopcases \stopformula
Not exactly. In this, I get two formula numbers, one for the case `x=7' and the other for the entire equation. I can remove \placeformula and almost get the desired behaviour. There should be an option to flushright the equation number corresponding to each case, i.e., I should be able to get +-----------------------------------------------------+ | | | ,- | | | 15, if something (1) | | x = { | | | 0, otherwise (2) | | `- | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Where the frame is the page boundaries. I hope I am making sense here. Further, I can not get correct subnumbering here. Look at the output of \startformula \startcases \NC a \NC if something \NR[eq:a][a] \NC b \NC otherwise \NR[eq:b][b] \stopcases \stopformula Other than these minor glitches, this is perfect. Aditya -- Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008