26 Jun
26 Jun
1:30 p.m.
I need to use a macro like this: \def\typeSQLfile#1{% \startsetups header:margin \framed [frame=off, orientation=90, width=2\leftmarginwidth, height=\textheight, align={top,middle}] {#1\hfil\pagenumber\hfil\IfSQprojectname} \stopsetups \typefile[SQL]{#1}} In the following setting: \starttext \typeSQLfile{Library-procedures/details.pls} \typeSQLfile{Library-procedures/hlx$requery.pls} \stoptext This results in two problems; 1. The pagenumber is the same on each page for a file 2. The file name with the $ in it crashes the typefile argument (file not found), where \typefile itself handles the name OK. How do I solve these? In LaTeX I would probably use \protect on \pagenumber. G