(untested, but hopefully you get the idea...)
unfortunately, I have a mental mess with the font business in tex. How can one keep track with so many directories, encodings, file types, maps, etc... I am tired of trying to undestand. Manuals are useless because they are outdated, trees are changed and need texhash, plus, on top, one needs to learn the syntax for Context to use fonts. I've been spending days trying to install a verdana font, and no matter what I do, it doesnt' work, and I think the same is happening with the garamond. I have no lesss than 3000 font files in my computer, but so far, only a handful are available in context. At this point, I really wish I had a graphical tool to install and use a font, without going through all the --always changing-- steps... I guess, some day, someone will clear this up for once... ciro Ciro