Hi Fabrice, You can use after={\strut\blank} in your definition of MyDefinition, as in: \defineframedtext [MyDefinition] [before={\blank}, after={\strut\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, width=\textwidth, height=fit, location=left, style=italic] Best regards: OK
On 07 Sep 2015, at 19:35, Fabrice Couvreur
wrote: Hi, I can not insert a space between my two environments. Thank you. Fabrice
% macros=mkvi
\definecolor[MyColorA][c=0.00, m=0.10, y=0.20, k=0.00]
\definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00, m=0.62, y=1.00, k=0.00]
\definecolor[MyColorC][c=0.3, m=0.00, y=0.00, k=0.05]
\definecolor[MyColorD][c=0.6, m=0.00, y=0.00, k=0.10]
\defineframedtext [MyDefinition] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=MyFrame, width=\textwidth, height=fit, location=left, style=italic]
\defineoverlay [MyFrame] [\useMPgraphic{MyFrame}]
\definelabel [Définition] [headstyle=\bf\smallcaps]
\startuseMPgraphic{MyFrame} path b ; picture p ; p := textext.rt("\white\Définition") ; p := p shifted (2BodyFontSize,OverlayHeight-ypart center p+.25ExHeight) ; b := boundingbox p leftenlarged .5EmWidth rightenlarged .5EmWidth ; fill OverlayBox withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorA} ; fill b withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorB} ; draw p ; \stopuseMPgraphic
\definemixedcolumns [myColumn] [n=2, separator=rule, rulecolor=MyColorC, rulethickness=1pt, balance=yes]
\defineoverlay [Funny] [\useMPgraphic{Funny}]
\definelabel [MÉTHODE] [headstyle=\bf\smallcaps]
\startuseMPgraphic{Funny} interim linejoin := mitered ; interim linecap := squared ; path b ; picture p ; p := textext.rt("\white\MÉTHODE") ; p := p shifted (0,OverlayHeight) ; b := boundingbox p ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 3mm withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorC}) ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox ; fill b withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorD} ; draw p ; setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ; \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineframedtext [Methode] [before={\blank}, after={\blank}, frame=off, background=Funny, width=\textwidth, height=fit, ]
\startMyDefinition \input knuth \stopMyDefinition
\input ward
\column \input knuth \stopmyColumn
\stopMethode \stopsection \stopchapter \stoppart \stoptext