I've been confronted with the following 'intriguing' formatting requirement for a document:
"Intriguing" is definitely right here. I suspect these guidelines were made for typewriters and haven't been updated since.
to limit the number of glyphs per line to 112.
112 characters per line sounds much too long anyways. From "The Elements of Typographic Style":
Anything from 45 to 75 characters is widely regarded as a satisfactory length of line for a single-column page set in a serifed text face in a text size. The 66-character line (counting both letters and spaces) is widely regarded as ideal. For multiple-column work, a better average is 40 to 50 characters.
If the type is well set and printed, lines of 85 or 90 characters will pose no problem in discontinuous texts, such as bibliographies, or, with generous leading, in footnotes. But even with generous leading, a line that averages more than 75 or so characters is likely to be too long for continuous reading.
If you use something like \setuplayout[width=80\averagecharwidth] then your lines will for sure have fewer than 112 characters and will probably be more readable too.
I'm nevertheless curious if there is a Lua/TeX solution to this "problem"?
Option 1: Use a monospaced font. Then 112 characters per line <=> page width = 112em. Option 2: A hacky Lua solution \startluacode local max_length = 112 local glyph_id = node.id "glyph" local disc_id = node.id "disc" local glue_id = node.id "glue" function userdata.limiter(head) language.hyphenate(head) local chars = 0 local width = 0 local n = head while n do if n.id == glyph_id or n.id == glue_id then chars = chars + 1 width = width + n.width - (n.shrink or 0) end if chars >= max_length or width > tex.hsize then local back_chars = 0 local end_disc = nil while n do if n.id == glue_id then local penalty = node.new "penalty" penalty.penalty = -10000 node.insertbefore(head, n, penalty) break end if not end_disc and n.id == disc_id then end_disc = n end if end_disc and back_chars >= 5 then end_disc.penalty = -10000 break end if n.id == glyph_id then back_chars = back_chars + 1 end n = n.prev end width = 0 chars = 0 end n = n.next end return head end nodes.tasks.appendaction( "processors", "before", "userdata.limiter" ) \stopluacode \setuppapersize[landscape,letter] \showframe \starttext \setupalign[flushleft] \setupbodyfont[14pt] \samplefile{knuth} \setupbodyfont[12pt] \samplefile{knuth} \setupbodyfont[10pt] \samplefile{knuth} \page \setupalign[normal] \setupbodyfont[14pt] \samplefile{knuth} \setupbodyfont[12pt] \samplefile{knuth} \setupbodyfont[10pt] \samplefile{knuth} \stoptext This code will ensure that no line ever exceeds "max_length" characters. It uses a greedy algorithm instead of the standard TeX algorithm for line breaking, but it still produces mostly decent results. -- Max