Hi, I use a mlib plugin to manually start/stop transparency. All graphics in between will be drawn with the defined state. Not very useful in general, but I need it for some graphics in Aero. This is the simple code.. MP side: def btransp(expr a, t) = draw origin withprescript "mtr_transp=start" withprescript "mtr_alternative=" & decimal a withprescript "mtr_transparency=" & decimal t ; enddef ; def etransp = draw origin withprescript "mtr_transp=stop" ; enddef ; TEX side: local function mtr_process(object,prescript,before,after) local mtr_alternative = prescript.mtr_alternative if prescript.mtr_transp == "start" then if mtr_alternative then mtr_alternative = tonumber(mtr_alternative) local mtr_transparency = tonumber(prescript.mtr_transparency) before[#before+1] = format("q /Tr%s gs %% mtr",registertransparency(nil,mtr_alternative,mtr_transparency,true)) end elseif prescript.mtr_transp == "stop" then after[#after+1] = "Q % mtr" else -- fatal error end -- object.path = true -- 'true' gives runtime error, 'false' distorts content object.grouped = true object.type = false -- don't draw object.color = false end Usage: btransp(normaltransparency,.5); <whatever> etransp; This works so far (no visible artefacts), but part of the 'draw origin' is (although not drawn) still existent in the code. [..] q /Tr1 gs % mtr 10.000000 M % unwanted setup for 'origin' 1 j 1 J 0.500000 w 0.000000 0.000000 m 0.000000 0.000000 l <whatever> 10.000000 M % unwanted setup for 'origin' 1 j 1 J 0.500000 w 0.000000 0.000000 m 0.000000 0.000000 l Q % mtr [..] I had a solution for the old 'specials', but I can't find one for the plugin handler. How can I get rid of the 'trigger code'? Peter