On 17 Oct 2002 16:03:26 +0200
Emil Hedevang Lohse
Jens-Uwe Morawski
writes: Ahoi MP experts,
i've tried to implement a keyval-interface in MP.
Currently it looks like
def keyvalFunc (text t) = begingroup; save status, col ; numeric status; string col ; t ; show status; show col ; endgroup; enddef;
keyvalFunc(status=1.0; col="Hallo" ) ;
This works, of course, but i would prefer if i could use a comma instead of the ";" to separate the keyval-pairs.
Any ideas, how i can make "," be locally like ";"?
begingroup let ,=;; endgroup
will do the job.
Thanks. I've already tried this. The problem was that it changes the meaning globally, since MP groups do nothing until one 'save's variables inside the group. But surprisingly (for me) this works: begingroup save , ; let ,=; ; endgroup Jens