Hi, [I am on version 2022.05.11 11:36] I think either a bug might have crept into one of the recent uploads or there is some change in behaviour – numbering of statements inside mathalignment blocks is not working: only one statement is numbered even if multiple are requested. The following example does not produce the expected result (sample attached): both the equations should be numbered when only the first one is – \starttext \placeformula \startformula \startmathalignment \NC a \NC = b \NR[eq:one] \NC c \NC = d \NR[eq:two] \stopmathalignment \stopformula \stoptext Also the [+] options and the second optional argument of \NR does not work as expected. Has its behaviour changed? I ran into this when I compiled a large maths-heavy document and while proof- reading noticed numerous missing references to statements inside mathalignment. Please advise me on how I might fix/workaround this. Thank you, Sreeram