Thanks Taco, your solution helped me ... Based on initial tests, it seems that it works correctly. I'll know more after thorough testing. Once again, thank you many times. Sincerely Jaroslav Hajtmar Dne 8. 7. 2015 v 12:07 Taco Hoekwater napsal(a):
On 08 Jul 2015, at 11:05, Jaroslav Hajtmar
wrote: Hello ConTeXist.
Within the one very complex problem I need to solve the following case. I want using lua code to define a macro with one optional parameter in brackets. Simplest solution I know is this:
\startluacode interfaces.definecommand ('dolastname', { arguments = { { "option", "string" } }, macro = function (opt_1) if #opt_1>0 then context(opt_1) else context('nothing') end end }) interfaces.definecommand ('lastname', { macro = function () context.dosingleempty() context.dolastname() end }) \stopluacode
Best wishes, Taco