Dear Hans, I have tested using your code. I just replace “N”, “T” with Korean letters. Here is an MWE which is a simplified version of your code. I tested using two fonts, and the outputs are different. Thank you for your concern. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%% \usetypescriptfile[type-hcrlvt] \usetypescript[HcrFont] \setupbodyfont[Myface, rm, 12pt] %\setupbodyfont[unfonts, rm, 12pt] \startMPdefinitions def filloutlinetext(expr o) = draw image ( save n, m ; numeric n, m ; n := m := 0 ; for i within o : n := n + 1 ; endfor ; for i within o : m := m + 1 ; if n = m : eofill else : nofill fi pathpart i ; endfor ; ) enddef ; def drawoutlinetext(expr o) = draw image ( % nicer for properties for i within o : draw pathpart i ; endfor ; ) enddef ; def outlinetexttopath(text o, p, n) = scantokens("numeric " & str n & ";") ; scantokens("path " & str p & "[];") ; n := 0 ; for i within o : p[incr(n)] := pathpart i ; endfor ; enddef ; \stopMPdefinitions \startbuffer[ho] picture first ; first := outlinetext.p("호") ; first := first scaled 10 ; filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor .5[blue,white] ; drawoutlinetext(first ) ; \stopbuffer \startbuffer[ha] picture first ; first := outlinetext.p("하") ; first := first scaled 10 ; filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor .5[blue,white] ; drawoutlinetext(first ) ; \stopbuffer \startbuffer[wang] picture first ; first := outlinetext.p("왕") ; first := first scaled 10 ; filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor .5[blue,white] ; drawoutlinetext(first ) ; \stopbuffer \starttext \processMPbuffer[ho] \processMPbuffer[ha] \processMPbuffer[wang] \stoptext %%%%%%%