Dear Otared, many thanks for your explanation. - It works now as a charm! I see, that I was at the beginning almost there. The problem was apparently, that I did not set the executable bit. Thanks again Willi On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Otared Kavian wrote:
On 22 oct. 08, at 12:57, Willi Egger wrote:
Hi all,
is there anybody who has TeXshop running with the COnTeXt minimals?
I tried to make a new engine which looks up to now as stated her under. however I get an error message:
Hi again Willi,
If you have installed ConTeXt-Miimal for MacOS X, the in principle you don't need at all to set environment variables as the ones you mention. On the contrary according to my experience, you SHOULD NOT set any such variables… Therefore in a Terminal window you should say: env | grep TEX and then say (for instance for TEXMFCNF) unset TEXMFCNF and so on for the other variables if they seem to be unwanted. Also oe should remove the "export…" variables from the .bashrc or any other shell files.
This is how I installed ConTeXt-Minimal and how I use it under TeXShop. (I have a MacBook Pro running under macOS X 10.5.5).
Installing and using the Minimal under Mac OS X in Ten Steps…
1) I created a folder named "context-minimal": this can sit anywhere, but in my case I put it in a partition of my hard drive names "OK-10.4". So the full path to that folder is /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal
2) In a Terminal window I said cd /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal
3) Then in the same Terminal window I said rsync -ptv rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/first-setup.sh . Please pay attention to the final "." after "first-setup.sh"… I got the file "first-setup.sh" in the folder.
4) Then I said in the Terminal window sh first-setup.sh This would take some time (depending on the speed of the Internet connection) and then I obtained two folders (or directories) named bin/ tex/ and one morefile named "status-of-update.lua".
5) The folder "tex" contains four folders named texmf/ texmf-context/ texmf-cache/ texmf-osx-intel/ and four files named setuptex setuptex.csh setuptex.bat setuptex.tmf The folder "texmf-osx-intel" contains among other things a folder named "bin" in which the binaries are located. The file "setuptex" is the file which upon execution under a shell command sets the TEXROOT variable needed for the binary "context"
6) If I want to typeset the file "basic-test.tex" with my new installation, I have to set up once per session the TEXROOT variable by saying in my Terminall window: source /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal/tex/setuptex or alternatively . /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal/tex/setuptex Please pay attention to the dot "." and the space after the dot at the beginning of the above line… After that in the Terminal window (assuming that I am in the folder where the file "basic-test.tex" is present) I just say context basic-test.tex and the file is typeset with mkiv.
7) If I want to put some macros, or files used frequently as \input, I may put them in the folder: /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/user
8) Also I may put more fonts in the folder /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal/tex/texmf/fonts in appropriate places (I did this for the fonts rsfs which were not present in the minimals). However after this I had to run again "first- setup.sh" as above.
9) Once the minimal was installed on my machine, in order to use it with TeXShop, I created a file named "ConTeXt-Minimal.engine" containing only the four lines: #!/bin/bash
source /Volumes/OK-10.4/context-minimal/tex/setuptex context "$1"
This file is put in the directory /Users/kavian/Library/TeXShop/Engines and must have the execute bit, that is one must say in a Terminal window: cd /Users/kavian/Library/TeXShop/Engines chmod 755 ConTeXt-Minimal.engine
10) Now in TeXShop I can add the following line at the beginning of any file I want to typeset with the Minimal: %!TEX TS-program = ConTeXt-Minimal or else I may choose "ConTeXt-Minimal" from the pop-up menu which appears below the window bar of my TeX file.
I hope that the above would be useful for you and other persons. Since on the Wiki there are already many things on the issue, I didn't dare to add a new page… Mojca, if you read this, can you please tell me whether I can add a new item on the pages you have set up?
Best regards: OK
MtxRun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua'
My interpretation is, that underway the path to the lua scripts is 'forgotten'
Kind regards
#!/bin/bash #PATH="$PATH: /Applications/lua/tex" #. /Applications/lua/tex/setuptex "/Applications/lua/tex" export PATH=``$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Applications/lua/ tex/texmf-osx-intel/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/'' export TEXROOT=/Applications/lua/tex export TEXMFPROJECT=$TEXROOT/texmf-project export TEXMFLOCAL=$TEXROOT/texmf-local export TEXMFVAR=$TMP/texmf-var export VARTEXMF=$TEXMFVAR export TEXMFOS=$TEXROOT/texmf-osx-intel/bin export TEXMFCONTEXT=$TEXROOT/texmf-context export TEXMFCACHE=$TEXROOT/texmf-cache export TEXFORMATS=$TEXMFOS/web2c/$engine export TEXMFFONTS=$TEXROOT/texmf-fonts export CTXMINIMAL=yes export MPMEMS=$TEXMFOS/web2c/$engine export HOMETEXMF=/nonexist export RUBYLIB=``$RUBYLIB:$TEXMFCONTEXT/scripts/context/ruby``'' export LUATEXDIR=$TEXMFCONTEXT/scripts/context/lua export TEXMFCNF=``$TEXROOT/texmf{-local,-context,}/web2c'' export TEXMFMAIN=$TEXROOT/texmf export TEXMF={$TEXMFPROJECT,$TEXMFFONTS,$TEXMFLOCAL,$TEXMFOS, $TEXMFCONTEXT,$TEXMFMAIN} export TEXMFDBS={$TEXMFPROJECT,$TEXMFFONTS,$TEXMFLOCAL,$TEXMFOS, $TEXMFCONTEXT,$TEXMFMAIN} unset CTXDEVTXPATH CTXDEVMPPATH CTXDEVMFPATH unset CTXDEVPLPATH CTXDEVRBPATH CTXDEVPYPATH CTXDEVJVPATH unset TEXINPUTS MPINPUTS MFINPUTS
context ''$1'' _____________________________________________________________________ ______________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net archive : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net _____________________________________________________________________ ______________
______________________________________________________________________ _____________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net archive : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ______________________________________________________________________ _____________