On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:
Hopefully, this is not (too far) OT.
It's definitely not.
I'm not sure how many on the list use Twitter
I'm not aware of anyone among the most active users. Ulrik is the only one that comes closest by posting to Facebook and including ConTeXt-related events.
but if you do, you still might not be aware of the daily "TeXTip" tweets.
I wasn't. Thank you for the pointer.
These contain a URL to one place on the web or another that have something to do with TeX/LaTeX usage.
I'm thinking it would be great to have a daily "ConTeXtTip" tweet as well. Am I the only one?
I'm way too much of a ConTeXt newbie or I'd do it myself. Of course, I _could_ serve as the Point Of Context and do the actual Tweeting of URLs or tips that fit into 140 characters that were emailed to me.
I believe that you have almost no chance to convince Hans to start tweeting, but independent of the level of your expertise, it should not be a problem to start tweeting based solely on posts on the mailing list. * invitations to events * invitations to join user group * whenever Hans posts "I have released a new beta, it has support for this and that" (those emails can be almost automatically "retweeted") * you could announce every single beta, but the problem is that they usually don't come with any explanation, they are too frequent and very often bugfixes that the majority would not notice, or huge chunks of code with new functionality that might be hard to decode * I could send events when something happens in the distribution (but those events will be very scarce) * tip of the day would indeed be very useful, but who is going to contribute them? If tweets would be nice & useful, it could be useful to set up a cron job to send a summary of tweets from that day to the mailing list once per day. Mojca