On 8/21/23 17:59, Michael Löscher wrote:
Yes, I have done that. But I don't seem to have the basic context of how the processing works in order. All I have so far is this as a starting point:
Really? I told you about the various commands \xmldoif, but there's nothing in your starting point. I don't want to provide anybody homework solutions, so just to give you an idea to get you started: \startxmlsetups xml:mysetup \xmlsetsetup{main}{document|element|mdata|tdata|name|date|num|content|shortdescription|p}{xml:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregistersetup{xml:mysetup} \startxmlsetups xml:document \xmlflush {#1} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:element \xmlflush {#1} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:mdata \xmldoifelsetext {#1} {/date} {{\bf \xmltext {#1} {name}}\par {\it \xmltext {#1} {date}}\par} {\xmltext {#1} {content}\par} \stopxmlsetups This will process the name in bold and the date in italic. But I'm sure you can do better after reading and digesting the chapter I referred to. Thomas