Hi Hans, I have the following sample: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=2em] \setupfield[ShortLine][horizontal][width=5cm,height=5em] \definefield [Email] [signature] [ShortLine] \field [Email] [your email] \stopTEXpage \stoptext If I sign it with Acrobat Reader, Times New Roman is used instead of MyriadPro (which is the default font used by Acrobat for signing). Line 945 from lpdf-fld.lmt contains: if #collected > 0 then local acroform = pdfdictionary { NeedAppearances = pdfmajorversion() == 1 or nil, Fields = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(collected)), CO = fieldsetlist(calculationset), } if sometext or somefont then checkpdfdocencoding() if sometext then usedfonts.tttf = fontnames.tt.tf acroform.DA = "/tttf 12 Tf 0 g" end acroform.DR = pdfdictionary { Font = registerfonts(), Encoding = pdfdocencodingcapsule, } end lpdf.addtocatalog("AcroForm",pdfreference(pdfflushobject(acroform))) end Would it be possible that the second conditional ("if sometext or somefont") could be only applied if Fields doesn’t refer to signatures? Otherwise, Acrobat will use the font specified in the dictionary. Among other things, this breaks PDF/A documents, since the font for the signature isn’t embedded. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk