Hi, I’m struggling with layers again. According to https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Layers and my previous experience, what you typeset on layers appears only once, while you don’t set repeat=yes. But in my example (derived from a magazine layout where I use this margin layer for subtitles) the margin text is repeated on every page. Same behavior in current LMTX and MkIV. What did I wrong? Or is it a bug? (The same setup didn’t cause repeats in 2019.) Hraban \usemodule[visual] \setuplayout[ backspace=82mm, width=118mm, leftmargindistance=4mm, leftmargin=57mm, ] \definelayer[leftmargin][ x=0mm,y=3mm, width=\leftmarginwidth, height=\textheight ] \setupbackgrounds[text][leftmargin][background=leftmargin,state=start] \starttext \setlayerframed[leftmargin][ frame=off, offset=overlay, width=\leftmarginwidth, align={flushleft,verytolerant}, ]{Why is this repeated on every page? It should not.}% \dorecurse{20}{ \fakewords{20}{100}\par } \stoptext