Dear All, anybody can help me on this problem? As most of the ppt file's background are graphics, but I don't know how to do it by modify the sytelefile. for example bellow style: --------------------------------------------- %D \module %D [ file=t-horizontalblue, %D version=2007.07.17, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Module horizontalblue, %D author=Thomas A. Schmitz, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={Thomas A. Schmitz}] %C %C Copyright 2007 Thomas A. Schmitz. %C This file may be distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 2.0. %D This file provides the \quotation{horizontalblue} style for the presentation %D module. It is loaded at runtime. The look of this style was inspired by the %D \quotation{Copenhagen} theme of the \LaTeX\ {\tt beamer} package. \writestatus{loading}{module newstyle} \startmodule[newstyle] \unprotect %D The taspresentation module provides a skeleton into which different styles %D can be hooked. It uses a number of variables and macros which have to be set %D beforehand. Some parts are optional. We begin with the necessary definitions: %D We start colors: \setupcolors[state=start] %D These macros are used for placing figures/pictures: \define\NormalHeight{.97\textheight} \define\NormalWidth{.476\textwidth} \define\PictureFrameHeight{.97\textheight} \define\PictureFrameWidth{.476\textwidth} %D The page layout: \setuplayout [width=fit, margin=0cm, height=14.7cm, header=1.75cm, footer=1.2cm, topspace=1cm, backspace=1cm, location=singlesided] %D The macro for typesetting the Slidetitle; this is adapted from a sample %D document that Brooks Moses published on the wiki: \definelayer[slidetitle] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight, x=10mm] \define[1]\Slidetitle{\page\setlayer[slidetitle]% {\framed[frame=off,width=\textwidth,height=2.2cm,offset=0pt,top=\vss,bottom=\vss]{\switchtobodyfont[\Titlesize]\color[c]{#1}}}} %D The macro \tex{Maketitle} produces a default title page with the author, the %D title of the presentation, and the date. Using it is not mandatory. \define\Maketitle{% \titback \null \vfill \framed[frame=off,width=\textwidth,height=.75\textheight,top=\vss,bottom=\vss,align=middle]{\switchtobodyfont[\Titlesize]\color[c]{\bf \getvariable{taspresent}{title}}\switchtobodyfont[\Normalsize]\blank[line]\getvariable{taspresent}{author}\blank[2*line]\currentdate} \vfill \null} %D The following parts are optional; if you don't use backgrounds and are %D content with CONTEXT's default itemization, you don't have to set these %D macros. %D We define our colors: \definecolor [a] [s=.95] \definecolor [b] [r=.58,g=.58,b=.82] \definecolor [c] [r=.2,g=.2,b=.73] \definecolor [Item] [r=.2,g=.2,b=.73] %D We let Metapost calculate the background: \startuniqueMPgraphic{vertical} StartPage ; pair zd[] ; path pb[] ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{a} ; z.d1 = ulcorner Page shifted (0,-5pt) ; z.d2 = urcorner Page shifted (0,-5pt) ; pb[1] = ulcorner Page -- z.d1 -- z.d2 -- urcorner Page -- cycle ; z.d3 = llcorner Page shifted (0,5pt) ; z.d4 = lrcorner Page shifted (0,5pt) ; pb[3] = llcorner Page -- z.d3 -- z.d4 -- lrcorner Page -- cycle ; pb[4] = pb[3] shifted (0,.75cm) ; fill pb[1] withcolor \MPcolor{b} ; fill pb[3] withcolor \MPcolor{b} ; fill pb[4] withcolor \MPcolor{b} ; StopPage ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \startuniqueMPgraphic{horizontal} StartPage ; pair zd[] ; path pb[] ; z.d1 = ulcorner Page shifted (0,-5pt) ; z.d2 = urcorner Page shifted (0,-5pt) ; pb[1] = ulcorner Page -- z.d1 -- z.d2 -- urcorner Page -- cycle ; pb[2] = pb[1] shifted (0,-2cm) ; fill pb[2] withcolor \MPcolor{b} ; StopPage ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic %D We define these backgrounds as overlays: \defineoverlay [lecbackground] [\useMPgraphic{horizontal}] \defineoverlay [picbackground] [\useMPgraphic{vertical}] %D We define the footer \setupfooter[color=c,style={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]},strut=yes] \setupfootertexts[{\framed[frame=off,height=.45cm,width=\textwidth]{\getvariable{taspresent}{title}\hfill \pagenumber \ of \lastpage}}] %D These are shortcuts to switch backgrounds: \define\lecback{\setuplayout[header=1.75cm]\setupfooter[state=start]\setupbackgrounds[page][background={picbackground,lecbackground,slidetitle}]} \define\titback{\setuplayout[header=1.75cm]\setupfooter[state=stop]\setupbackgrounds[page][background={picbackground,lecbackground}]} \define\picback{\setuplayout[header=0cm]\setupfooter[state=start]\setupbackgrounds[page][background={picbackground}]} \define\noback{\setupbackgrounds[page][background=nobackground]} %D We use combinations for placing vertical pictures and text side by side, and %D we want a distance of 1.1 cm between both. \setupcombinations[distance=1.1cm] %D The symbol for the first level of itemizations. \definesymbol[1][\useMPgraphic{ItSquare}] \setupitemize[1][color=c] \protect \stopmodule \endinput ----------------------------------------------------------- I try to modify \defineoverlay [lecbackground] [\useMPgraphic{horizontal}] to something like \defineoverlay [lecbackground] [\externalfigure[figure]] but it doesn't work. any idea? I need for example a.png on right top. and b.png bottom. -- 卷548_80 【送沈单作尉江都(一作许浑诗)】薛逢 炀帝都城春水边,笙歌夜上木兰船。三千宫女自涂地, 十万人家如洞天。焰焰花枝官舍晚,重重云影寺墙连。 少年作尉须矜慎,莫向楼前坠马鞭。