Hi! I added a font called TypoOrnaments.ttf to my context-tree. Calling "mtxrun --script fonts --list" gives the result typoornaments TypoOrnaments TypoOrnaments.ttf typoornamentsmedium TypoOrnaments TypoOrnaments.ttf Now I want to use it in my document with \definefontsynonym [typoOrn] [file:TypoOrnaments.ttf] [features=default] \definefont [typoO] [typoOrn sa *] -> {\typoO test} But luatex complains that it cannot find the font. define font | forced type ttf of TypoOrnaments not found define font | font with name TypoOrnaments is not found define font | unknown font TypoOrnaments, loading aborted Same thing with "name:...". My code works when I change the definition for example to texgyrebonum-regular.otf. Any ideas why the other font isn't working? Thanks in advance, Eyke