Am 17.03.2013 um 09:37 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum
in October 2011 Marco asked how to get an output like this:
I Foo A Bar subsection I.A
The example he posted (see below) came to this result:
I Foo A Bar subsection A
Then Wolfgang added this line:
But running this advice with todays beta does not have any effect one Marcos original example, and it does not lead to the desired ouput.
Is this broken now?
This happens because the definition of \currentreferencedefault has changed and the settings from \setupreferencestructureprefix are ignored. When I change the definition from \def\currentreferencedefault {\ctxcommand{filterdefaultreference()}} to (this is the code from 2011 adapted to the current version) \def\currentreferencedefault {\ctxcommand{filterreference("\s!default",\ctxcommand{getcurrentprefixspec("\s!default")})}} I get the section number as prefix in the reference. Wolfgang