29 Oct
29 Oct
5:18 p.m.
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006, Sebastian Rooks wrote:
Hi Aditya,
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
1/ I would like to use a named formula with a reference containing several subformulae each with a reference. The closer I can get to is to add an empty namedformula followed by subformulae (see test file below). How can I get rid of the empty line with a number in the pdf ?
I took a different approach to this. I had written some macros that do automatic subformula numbering, and I added a macro there to do have a named subformulas. See the code at the end. Works very well thank you. Can I add this to the wiki ?
Sure, but with a note that this will end up in the core eventually. Aditya