Hello all, (This will probably only interest Netherlands-based TeXies, sorry. But I'll write it in English, so at least everyone can read it. ^_^) There's an exhibition on in Leiden about historical academic typesetting, to celebrate the 330th anniversary of the publishing house Brill. Perhaps this exhibition would be fun to go to with some ConTeXt users? Links to the exhibition: http://www.museumboerhaave.nl/tentoonstellingen/nu-en-straks/geletterd-gelee... http://www.museumboerhaave.nl/english/exhibitions/literate-learned/ The exhibition is at Museum Boerhaave, admittance 9.50 € (free for students), and it will run through Sunday the 19th of May. If this sounds like fun: send me an e-mail off-list (sbbrouwer@gmail.com) with the weekends that are an option for you (list of weekends below), and we'll work out a date so that as many people as possible can come. For people who are thinking "I'm not so active on this list, he doesn't mean me": you are hereby explicitly invited. ;-) Cheers, Sietse List of weekends until the end, please copy and indicate what dates would be suitable for you: 23-24 feb 02-03 mrt 09-10 mrt 16-17 mrt 23-24 mrt 06-07 apr 13-14 apr 20-21 apr 27-28 apr (04-05 may is Liberation Day) 11-12 mei 18-19 mei