On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Pierre-François Bonnefoi < bonnefoi@unilim.fr> wrote:
I've made a lot of improvement to my slides format for my teaching material and I've run into a serious issue with gobbleinput that I can express with with simple lines :
\starttext \gobbleuntil\stoptyping \starttyping { printf("%d", data); } \stoptyping This is ignored ! \stoptext
How can I use correctly gobbleinput to make it works ?
"%d" in this situation means ["][ token comment ] <other tokens> --- \gobbleuntil neutralizes \starttyping that changes the catcode of '%' --- so you are left with an open group (the { before printf) that needs to be closed. So the first step is to make '%' a letter token \starttext %\tracingall \gobbleuntil\stoptyping \starttyping { printf("\%d", data); } \stoptyping %\tracingnone This is not more ignored ! \stoptext -- luigi