Dear Manuel,
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 11:12, Manuel Blanco
Hi all,
After some years with LaTeX and let's say three or four times trying to start with ConTeXt, I decided to try again. Difficult, there are many manuals and a lot of contradicting ideas (at least for those of us that do not know) in them, but still, I want to try to see if once and for all I can manage to dominate it.
I have installed MacTeX 2018. I use TextMate, and the ConTeXt bundle is not working in Mac OS High Sierra. After installing it, when I tried to compile it said something along the lines "your PATH is ... you should have 'context' in your path", so I searched in my computer and changed TextMate PATH to:
This path is wrong. First of all, you might run into some troubles if you accidentally install some TeX binaries via MacPorts (then you might get mixed binaries from one and the other, leading to troubles), so I would strongly suggest you to put the MacTeX path *in front of* /opt/local/bin. Second, /usr/texbin probably no longer works on High Sierra (it worked earlier, but no longer does after Apple decided to prohibit creating paths in some of the top level folders, unless you manually switch the protection off, reboot, make the change, etc.). I assume that your binaries are now in /Library/TeX/texbin which is ultimately a symlink to /usr/local/texlive/2018/bin/x86_64-darwin (which you could also use if needed).
And this last part is where I think the context binary seems to be /usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix
But now when I run it it says
env: texlua: No such file or directory
What could be happening? What do I do?
Also, the bundle was last updated in 2010, may be there are new things? Where could we learn what things to add?
It is. Patrick who wrote the bundle in no longer active in the ConTeXt community, but I keep using his bundle and it works fine. It would certainly be nice if someone took the work over and revised it. If you want to volunteer, that would be awesome :) You would probably need to start reading documentation about TextMate bundles. One thing that might be straightforward to add are more known commands (such a list could be autogenerated). I never compile from within TextMate, so I don't know if that area needs some changes (not sure if Patrick last modified the bundle before or after MKIV was considered "the version you should use").
Any updated documentation that takes you from beginner to intermediate would be apreciated too.
For ConTeXt or for the TextMate bundle? Mojca