On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 12:08:33PM +0200, Vit Zyka wrote:
Here is my current file, which just gives a white background in the box.
\setupcolors[state=start] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=color,backgroundcolor=red] \definecolor[Transparent][r=0,g=1,b=1,t=0,a=normal] \startreusableMPgraphic{test} input metaobj; color t; t:=\MPcolor{Transparent}; setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("fillcolor")(t); newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) "filled(true)"; Obj(test).c=origin; drawObj(test); \stopreusableMPgraphic \starttext \reuseMPgraphic{test} \stoptext
Sorry I still do not see your white box. Perhaps something is corrupted in my context installation.
I had a quick look into mpobj source and I tried to remove default white background, but I was not successful.
Me either.
Vit Zyka
P.S. I played with raw MP code:
input metaobj; beginfig(1) fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor red; color t; t:=(1,1,0); %setObjectDefaultOption("Box")("fillcolor")(t); newBox.test(""); Obj(test).c=origin; drawObj(test); endfig;
Your color is not transparent, so it will work as expected: no white box. -- Eckhart