I came across the command \WORD{} in the manual (nice place to look, eh?). This does all capitals (it can be more than one word) and doesn't have the issue with diacritics that \uppercased was having for me. Thanks, David On Mar 25, 2005, at 5:30 PM, David Wooten wrote:
Greetings all,
Taco mentioned the command \uppercased{to get all uppercase letters}, and it works just fine…until I try to use my self-installed fonts. The quirks come up with diacritics, and this leads me to believe that there is an [encoding] or [regime] issue here, as I had similar issues earlier with the font in general. For example, with \uppercased{Krübel} I receive: KRüBEL.
Do I need to "make a statement of my intent" in a typescript file or somewhere else to resolve this?
Kind regards, David